
 Auroville wants to be a universal town where men and women of all countries are able to live in peace and progressive harmony above all creeds, all politics and all nationalities. The purpose of Auroville is to realise human unity.

Our local storyteller born and brought up in auroville will give a unique experiencce by explaining about the interesting activities and how auroville is working towards realising the Divine Dream.


10:00 AM

Introduction to Auroville and Exhibition on best practices at visitor center

11:00 AM

Walk to Matrimandir viewing point and Exhibition on Sri Aurobindo

12:30 PM

Drive for lunch at Solar kitchen (auroville community dinning hall)

1:45 PM

Presentation on Upasana integral textile design studio

2:30 PM

Svaram musical center, Auroville bamboo center and Well paper

4:00 PM

Tour ends at visitor center for shopping auroville products



Upasana design studio was founded in 1997 by Uma Haimavati in Auroville, Tamil Nadu, India. Initially, Upasana explored the idea of Know India through textiles by designing clothes using traditional Indian textiles. Upasana saw that India is one of the few countries in the world which still carries a strong cultural communication through its traditional textiles. Every state of India expresses its unique personality through specific textiles, and Upasana wishes to bring this to the forefront. As a natural response to the tsunami devastation in 2004 in the coastal areas of Auroville, Upasana ventured into the field of social development with a strong focus on application of design for social welfare. The project was called Tsunamika, and since then, Upasana has initiated various projects exploring the potential of Socially Responsible Design


Svaram musical center

SVARAM Musical Instruments pioneering products, activities and services contribute to the individual and social harmonization and wellbeing, bringing the life enhancing, cultural - creative and value fostering gift so fmusic into everyone's heart and hands. SVARAM is a community enterprise founded 10 years ago in rural Tamil Nadu, in association with the international UNESCO endorsed project of Auroville. SVARAM is recognized in the UN Compendium 'Music as a Global Resource' as one of first 100 selected projects working towards achievement of the 'Millennium Goals' through a socio - cultural - creative enterprising approach. Initiated as a vocational training opportunity, the youth full project is now established as a sustainable, income gene rating and growing venture managed with the original trainees in a participatory model organization.


Auroville Bamboo center

Auroville Bamboo Research Centre was founded in 2009 to bring awareness of the many applications of bamboo to the people in the Auroville and to the villages in the Auroville bioregion. Bamboo Centre is run as a socially responsible enterprise, providing work opportunities to school drop - outs and women from the rural surrounding of Auroville. We strive to empower our staff through learning skills that are useful around bamboo craft as well as life in general. We are particularly proud of our two head carpenters, who by now regularly teach college students during our hands - on workshops.



WELL stands for Women's Empowerment through Local Livelihood. Initiated in 2005, in Auroville Tamil Nadu, as a tsunami rehabilitation program, Wellpaper has grown into a social enterprise model that touches the lives of over 100 women across many villages in the area. The primary goal of WELL is to empower local village women with skills to build, manage and maintain self - sustaining units. The women receive training, guidance and support in product development, market and team management, and personal development.


Auroville  Pondecherry