Destination: Paradeep |
Destination Type: Cities |
City: Paradeep |
Country: India |
By Air : The Nearest Airport is Bhubaneswar Airport 105 kms
By Rail : The Nearest Railway Station is Paradip
By Road : You can easily get regular buses to Paradeep from other major cities of the country.
The importance of Paradeep and its beach is manifoldBesides being an attractive tourist spot, the Paradeep beach in Orissa is also one of the most important commercial sea port of the country. Paradeep which is actually an estuary of the Mahanadi River, is one of the most popular beaches of Orissa. Covered by green forests and adorned with natural creeks and island, the Paradeep beach is a paradise for all marine lovers.
Located at a distance of 125Kilometers from the capital city of Bhubaneshwar, the Sea port of Paradeep is the oldest existing port of the state of Orissa. Paradeep attracts a number of tourists from all over the world and its shimmering golden beaches and aqua blue waters explain its popularity. The tropical sun and the long stretches of sandy beaches are the perfect place to soak oneself in the organic values of nature.
Paradeep Beach
Paradip Port
Gahirmatha Beach
Visit Bhitarkanika National Park