Nestled serenely amidst the quaint and the lush greenery, Jhira Bagh Palace stands tall in its timeless glory in the very heart of the Malwa Plateau, in West Madhya Pradesh. The Palace is a light that remains undimmed, witnessing an era of treasured olden times that continues to reverberate in its walls.
Take on a rendezvous of the oldworld charm and minimalist luxury at Jhira Bagh Palace, as the sun rises, lighting up the mood, as if by the lanterns of its glorious past, while a potent aura takes over as dusk sets in, ushering in magical, mystical evenings.
Room Type :Each of our large and comfortable rooms usher in their own unique thematic charm. With each intricacy preserved and carried down through generations with the utmost care, these lavish rooms, a few opulent suites as well as our palatial deluxe suites conjure up images of the palace’s glorious past that played centre stage to a bygone era. Offering uninterrupted yet commanding views of the foliage from the bedroom and the private balcony, all the rooms are decorated in an understated minimal luxury that bears witness to an architecture now almost extinct yet unparalleled in its grandeur.
Suite Room